omu rice (japanese omelette rice)

omu rice

Omu rice (or Omu-raisu) is essentially an omelette stuffed with fried rice and topped with ketchup. It’s a popular dish in Japanese diners serving local adaptations of western dishes ranging from spaghetti to hamburgers. I love that it’s presented in such a fun way (it’s no wonder that omu rice can be found on most kids menus in japanese family restaurants), and the ketchup works surprisingly well with the rice. Traditionally the fried rice contains chicken but just use what you have on hand – you’d struggle to make this dish anything but good!

Omu Rice (Omelette Rice)
serves 1

1 cup cooked cold rice
2 eggs, beaten
2-3 slices ham, chopped
4 white mushrooms, sliced
1/2 small carrot (about 2 tbsp), small dice
1/2 onion (about 2 tbsp), chopped
2 tbsp frozen peas
1 garlic clove, minced
3 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp tomato ketchup (plus more to serve)
white pepper

Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a wok or large frying pan over a medium heat. Throw in the onion, carrots and garlic and sauté for 3-4 minutes until the vegetables are tender. Add in the ham, mushrooms and peas and stir-fry until slightly coloured and fragrant. Season with a little salt and pepper then add in the cold rice. Drizzle over the soy sauce and cook for a further couple of minutes, stirring well to combine. Add the ketchup and stir again making sure the rice is heated through. Keep warm.

In a separate medium frying pan heat the remaining oil on a high heat. Pour in the beaten eggs and coat the entire pan to make a large thin egg crêpe. When the egg in the middle is almost set, spoon the fried rice into the center and fold both sides of the crêpe over to form an omelette.

Carefully invert the omelette onto a plate and squeeze over some ketchup to decorate. Serve immediately with more ketchup on the side.

Nishiki Rice on Foodista  Egg on Foodista

~ by gourmettraveller on October 23, 2009.

14 Responses to “omu rice (japanese omelette rice)”

  1. Oh, this has always been one of my favorite things to eat at the Cantonese Cafes in LA and when I was in Tokyo travelling! The picture looks great and now I’m feeling quite nostalgic for this!

  2. wow this looks fantastic!

  3. Beautiful! And just what I am craving right now!

  4. I love this but have such a hard time finding it at restaurants near me. Now, I don’t have to look for it anymore, I’ll just make it at home!

  5. Beautiful presentation!

  6. love the ketchup on top…exactly what I would do

  7. I remember loving this as a kid in Okinawa. THANK YOU for bringing back the wonderful memory!

  8. We have something similar here in Thailand as, obviously, rice comes with just about everything :) I never used to eat ketchup on omelettes until I came to Thailand and now it’s pretty much a prerequisite. :)

  9. Wootz.. thanks for sharing this. I’m so going to make this plate of omu rice this weekend :)

  10. Good thing I found this webby. Thanks for the recipe

  11. This is my favourite quick breakfast in Korea- its to be found in all the local “cheap and cheerful” places here too. Yum.

  12. this is great, i started looking for this dish because of a japanese video game called katamari. you basically roll up the world with a little sticky ball and grow as you collect more items. anyway, omelette rice is one of the things you gather in the game. i thought it looked pretty good in crapy animation but it looks even better in real life haha. good job and thank you. ^_^

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